
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dr. H. H. Holmes, Master of Murder Castle #CousinoftheWeek

Dr. Holmes was born Herman Webster Mudgett on May 16, 1860, in Gilmantown, New Hampshire. Herman was often beaten regularly by his drunken father, and the local neighborhood bullies. At an early age he was fascinated by all aspects of surgery. He would often capture stray animals and perform strange and crude experiments on them.
Herman graduated high school at the age of 16, and in 1878 married Clara A. Lovering at, at the age of 18, whom he soon abandoned with one child in New Hampshire.
He graduated medical school at the University of Michigan, located in Ann Arbor in 1884 at the age of 24. While studying medicine at the University of Michigan, He would steal corpses, render them unrecognizable with acid, and then collect on the life insurance policies he had previously taken out under fictitious names. Herman got away with several of these frauds before a nightwatchman caught him removing a female corpse, hence he was kicked out of the university for "unusual activities".
In 1886 Herman Mudgett moved to the Chicago suburb of Englewood, Ill, after abandoning his wife and committing a variety of felonies, even defrauding one of his own in-laws. He was know as a swindler, and decided it was time for a new lease on life and took on the alias: Henry Howard Holmes, AKA: "DR H.H. Holmes".
Holmes eventually amassed a nice fortune through his frauds and schemes, using multiple aliases and often failing to follow through on payments for his many deals arranged on credit and with work perfomred by unpaid laborers.

Dr. Henry Howard Holmes is your 11th cousin thrice removed.
   →  Mom 
your mother →  Pvt. Garnett Hancock, WWII Veteran 
her father →  Burrell H Hancock 
his father →  Rhoda Lawrence Hancock 
his mother → Susan Frances Lawrence 
her mother →  Rhoda O'Bryan 
her mother →  Pvt. Drury Holland, Revolutionary Soldier 
her father →  Charles Holland 
his father →  Peter Holland 
his father →  Nehemiah Holland 
his father →  Gabriel Francis Holland 
his father →  Mary Mollenax 
his mother →  John Molyneux 
her father →  Lawrence Mollenaux 
his father → Sir William Molyneux, Kt., of Sefton 
his father →  Sir Richard Molyneux, Sheriff of Lancaster 
his son →  Alice Prescott 
his daughter →  John Prescott, Esquire 
her son → James Prescott, III 
his son →  James Prescott, IV 
his son →  Jonathan Prescott, Sr. 
his son →  Captain Johnathan Prescott 
his son →  Jonathan Prescott, III 
his son →  Samuel Prescott 
his son →  Nancy Mudgett 
his daughter →  Levi Horton Mudgett 
her son →  Dr. Henry Howard Holmes 
his son

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