
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Ted Bundy to Charles Manson

Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy is Charles Milles Scott Manson's 17th cousin.

Charles Milles Scott Manson

  → Colonel Walker Henderson Scott, Sr.

his father → Walker Henderson Scott

his father → Garfield "Fields" Scott

his father → Henderson E. Scott

his father → Margaret Scott

his mother → William Pinson

her father → Thomas Pinson

his father → Delilah Pinson

his mother → John Stovall

her father → Anne Saunders

his mother → Thomas Burton “of Cobbs”

her father → Katherine Burton

his mother → Mabel Fairfax

her mother → Sir Henry Curwen, of Workington, MP

her father → Agnes Curwen

his mother → Elizabeth Gascoigne

her mother → Isabel Pennington

her mother → John Broughton

her brother → Sir Robert Broughton, Kt.

his son → Sir John Broughton

his son → Jane Osborne

his daughter → Thomas Osborne

her son → Jeremy Osborne

his son → Thomas Osborne, of East Hampton

his son → John Osborne

his son → Thomas Osborne

his son → Samuel Osborn

his son → Catherine Longstreet

his daughter → Captain Aaron Stoffell Longstreet

her son → Aaron Longstreet

his son → James Morford Longstreet

his son → James Aaron Longstreet

his son → Eleanor Cowell

his daughter → Eleanor L. Bundy-Marshall (Cowell)

her daughter → Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy

her son 

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