Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the USA is Kevin Bacon's 10th cousin thrice removed.
Kevin Bacon
→ Ruth Hilda Holmes
his mother → Dorothy Frances Smith
her mother → George Campbell Smith
her father → Francis Shubael Smith
his father → Moses Rogers Smith
his father → Shubael Smith
his father → Shubael Smith
his father → Elizabeth Smith
his mother → Daniel Pierce
her father → Anthony Pierce
his father → John Pearce
his father → Marguerite Percy
his mother → Margaret Coney
her mother → Elizabeth Spencer
her sister → Sir John Spencer
her son → Lady Isabel Spencer
his daughter → Alice Byron
her daughter → Sir John Byron, MP
her son → Lady Margret Byron
his daughter → Sir John Hutchinson, Kt.
her son → John Hutchinson
his son → Francis Cyrus Hobart Hutchinson
his son → Elizabeth "Betty" Hutchinson
his daughter → Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the USA
her son