Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is Courteney Cox's 21st great grandfather.
Courteney Cox
→ Cox (Bass)
her mother → Samuel Bruce Bass
her father → Florence May Betts
his mother → Ella Middleton Betts
her mother → Sarah Frances Bruce
her mother → Thomas Belcher
her father → John Thomas Belcher
his father → Elizabeth Mary Belcher
his mother → Mary Lewis
her mother → Col John Lewis, IV
her father → Colonel John "Councillor" Lewis
his father → Elizabeth "Isabella" Lewis
his mother → James Miller of York County, VA
her father → Agnes Campbell
his mother → Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy, 1st Baronet
her father → Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass
his father → Marjory Stewart
his mother → John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father → James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn
his father → Isobel MacDougall, of Argyll
his mother → Jonet Isaac
her mother → Maud Bruce
her mother → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
her father