The Boston Newsletter of Monday, July 31, 1704 gives the following obituary: "Marshfield, July, 22 Capt.Peregrine White of this Town, Aged Eighty three years, and Eight Months; died the 20th Instant. He was vigorous and of a comly Aspect to the last; Was the S on of Mr. William White and Susanna his Wife;' born on board the "Mayflower", Capt. Jones Commander, in C ape Cod Harour, November 1620. Was the First Englishman born in New-England. Altho' he was in the former part of his Life extravagant; yet was much Reform'd in his last years; and died hopefully.:
Peregrine White, "Mayflower" Passenger is your first cousin 7 times removed's husband's third great grandfather.
→ Pop
your father → Rufus S. Nichols
his father → James "Jim" Ira Nichols
his father → Harriet Isabelle Maywood Nichols
his mother → Clarissa "Betty" (Richards) Williams
her mother → Christopher Richards, Sr.
her father → Waitman F. Richards
his father → Elizabeth Richards
his mother → Robert Stewart
her brother → Anna White
his daughter → Benjamin Harrison White
her husband → John Wesley White
his father → John Wesley White
his father → William White
his father → Jonathan White
his father → Peregrine White, "Mayflower" Passenger
his father
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