Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America is Kevin Bacon's 8th cousin 6 times removed.
Kevin Bacon
→ Ruth Hilda Holmes
his mother → Artemas Henry Holmes
her father → Artemus Holmes
his father → Artemas Lawrence Holmes
his father → Sally Moore
his mother → Jotham Hoar
her father → Benjamin Hoar
his father → Benjamin Hoar, Deacon
his father → Daniel Hoare
his father → John Hoar
his father → Johanna Henchman Johanna Henchman (Hinkesman)
his mother → Thomas Henchman Jr
her father → Mary Henchman
his mother → Henry Freeman
her father → Elizabeth Roberts (Fremlingham)
his sister → Thomas William Roberts, II
her son → Rosa Randolph
his daughter → William Randel Randolph
her son → Richard L. Randolph, Sr.
his son → Col William Randolph, II
his son → Col. Isham Randolph
his son → Jane Jefferson
his daughter → Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America
her son
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